This tutorial requires the following R packages; install and load them if you have not yet:

if (!require("pacman")) {install.packages("pacman"); library(pacman)}
## Loading required package: pacman
pacman::p_load("moments", "tidyverse", "knitr", "plotly", "scales")

1 Type of Variables

Question: What is the type for each of the variables in the TOD dataset?

californiatod <- read_csv("californiatod.csv")
## Parsed with column specification:
## cols(
##   name = col_character(),
##   region = col_character(),
##   transit = col_double(),
##   density = col_double(),
##   houseval = col_double(),
##   railtype = col_character()
## )
name region transit density houseval railtype
Archstone Barrington Hills Apartments Bay Area 0.4000 3.36 192593.26 Heavy or commuter rail
Archstone Mission Va SD 0.1077 2.18 203054.65 Light rail
Atherton Place Bay Area 0.5000 5.21 217671.52 Heavy or commuter rail
Bellamar Apartments LA 0.3178 10.05 117255.94 Light rail
Coggins Square Bay Area 0.5278 4.68 270554.72 Heavy or commuter rail
Del Norte Place Bay Area 0.6429 4.91 229335.59 Heavy or commuter rail
Iron Horse Lofts Bay Area 0.6061 4.68 270207.40 Heavy or commuter rail
Mercado Apartments SD 0.0000 3.21 121785.96 Light rail
Mission Wells Bay Area 0.1475 3.96 323496.98 Heavy or commuter rail
Northpark Apartments Bay Area 0.1738 3.27 667661.04 Heavy or commuter rail
Ohlone-Chynoweith Bay Area 0.0000 4.00 357694.13 Light rail
Pacific Court LA 0.0000 10.33 118401.77 Light rail
Palo Alto Condos Bay Area 0.0667 4.78 779791.98 Heavy or commuter rail
Park Regency Bay Area 0.3178 4.71 271728.59 Heavy or commuter rail
Poinsettia Station SD 0.1538 1.72 273004.39 Heavy or commuter rail
Studio Village LA 0.1875 8.70 246330.40 Heavy or commuter rail
The Crossings Bay Area 0.1316 6.49 558643.30 Heavy or commuter rail
Union Square Condos SD 0.1892 3.87 192739.76 Light rail
Verandas Apartments Bay Area 0.4912 3.15 327738.97 Heavy or commuter rail
Villages of LaMesa SD 0.1111 3.16 207159.11 Light rail
Wayside Plaza Bay Area 0.4737 4.67 270087.94 Heavy or commuter rail
Western Carlton LA 0.2100 14.85 371469.76 Heavy or commuter rail
Wilcox Apartments LA 0.3333 14.76 288948.71 Heavy or commuter rail
Wilshire Promenade LA 0.1053 3.84 216780.07 Heavy or commuter rail
Windsor Ridge Sacramento 0.2222 2.36 152840.33 Light rail
Woodlake Close Sacramento 0.1579 2.46 89045.74 Light rail

2 Univariate

Descriptive Stats for a single variable

2.1 Numeric variable

2.1.1 Quantitative measures

Common quantitative descriptive measures include mean, standard deviation (variance), median, IQR Skewness and Kurtosis are measures comparing the distribution of the variable of interest to a normal distribution.

## [1] 5.36
## [1] 3.531352
max(californiatod$density) - min(californiatod$density)
## [1] 13.13
# robust measures
## [1] 4.335
## [1] 1.91
# Or use package like skimr
## Attaching package: 'skimr'
## The following object is masked from 'package:knitr':
##     kable
skim(californiatod) %>% print()
## Skim summary statistics
##  n obs: 26 
##  n variables: 6 
## Variable type: character 
##  variable missing complete  n min max empty n_unique
##      name       0       26 26  12  37     0       26
##  railtype       0       26 26  10  22     0        2
##    region       0       26 26   2  10     0        4
## Variable type: numeric 
##  variable missing complete  n      mean        sd       p0      p25
##   density       0       26 26      5.36      3.53     1.72     3.23
##  houseval       0       26 26 282154.69 163092.19 89045.74 2e+05   
##   transit       0       26 26      0.25      0.19     0        0.12
##        p50       p75      p100     hist
##       4.34      5.13     14.85 ▇▇▂▁▁▂▁▂
##  258209.17 314859.91 779791.98 ▅▇▇▂▁▁▁▁
##       0.19      0.38      0.64 ▅▇▆▂▂▁▃▂
# skewness & kurtosis (from the moments package)
## [1] 1.626587
## [1] 4.732171

2.1.2 Visualization

  • Histogram

Histogram is a graphical representation of the distribution of Numeric variables.

qplot(density, data=californiatod, geom="histogram")
## `stat_bin()` using `bins = 30`. Pick better value with `binwidth`.

# The default bin width is set to range/30 in qplot and it doesn't look good. Let's set it to 2
# You can experiment it with different values
qplot(density, data=californiatod, geom="histogram", binwidth=2)

# show percentage
hist.percent <- ggplot(californiatod, aes(x=density)) +  
        geom_histogram(aes(y=(..count..)/sum(..count..)), binwidth = 2) + 
        scale_y_continuous(labels=percent) + labs(y="")

# with normal curve superimposed
hist.percent + stat_function(fun=dnorm, args=list(mean=mean(californiatod$density), sd=sd(californiatod$density)))

  • Box plot
qplot('all', y=density, data=californiatod, geom="boxplot")

2.2 Categorical variable

2.2.1 Quantitative measures

table(californiatod$region) # counts
##   Bay Area         LA Sacramento         SD 
##         13          6          2          5
options(digits=2) # only show 2 decimal places
prop.table(table(californiatod$region)) #share
##   Bay Area         LA Sacramento         SD 
##      0.500      0.231      0.077      0.192

2.2.2 Visualization

  • Bar plot
qplot(region, data=californiatod, geom="bar") # counts

# in percentage scale
ggplot(californiatod, aes(x=region)) +  
        geom_bar(aes(y=(..count..)/sum(..count..))) + 
        scale_y_continuous(labels=percent) + labs(y="")

3 Two variables

Quantitative measures for the relationship between a pair of variables will be covered later. We will focus on visualization here.

3.1 Numeric Variable (explanatory) –> Numeric Variable (response)

  • Scatter plot
qplot(x=density, y=houseval, data=californiatod, geom="point") 

qplot(x=transit, y=houseval, data=californiatod, geom="point") 

  • Scatter plot with a trend line
qplot(density, houseval, data=californiatod, geom="point") + geom_smooth(method=lm, se=FALSE)

qplot(transit, houseval, data=californiatod, geom="point") + geom_smooth(method=lm, se=FALSE)

  • Scatter plot with interactive information <- ggplot(californiatod, aes(transit, houseval, text=paste("name:", name))) + geom_point()

3.2 Categorical Variable –> Numeric Variable

  • Box plot
qplot(railtype, houseval, data=californiatod, geom="boxplot") 

qplot(region, houseval, data=californiatod, geom="boxplot") 

# Bar plot, but with less information (only mean)
ggplot(californiatod, aes(railtype, houseval)) + geom_bar(stat = "identity")

ggplot(californiatod, aes(region, houseval)) + geom_bar(stat="identity")

# We can try scatter plot even though not ideal
qplot(railtype, houseval, data=californiatod, geom="point") 

qplot(region, houseval, data=californiatod, geom="point") 

3.3 Numeric Variable –> Categorical Variable

  • Scatter plot, no easy solution
qplot(transit, railtype, data=californiatod, geom="point")

qplot(density, railtype, data=californiatod, geom="point")

3.4 Categorical Variable –> Categorical Variable

  • Bar plot
qplot(region, fill=railtype, data=californiatod, geom="bar")

# show percentage
ggplot(californiatod, aes(x=region, fill=railtype)) +  
        geom_bar(aes(y=(..count..)/sum(..count..))) + 
        scale_y_continuous(labels=percent) + labs(y="")

# compare with scatter plots, not ideal for working with categorical variables, even when the data points are jittered
qplot(region, railtype, data=californiatod, geom="point")

qplot(region, railtype, data=californiatod, geom="point") + geom_jitter()

  • Cross tabulation of two categorical variables
table(californiatod$railtype, californiatod$region) # counts
##                          Bay Area LA Sacramento SD
##   Heavy or commuter rail       12  4          0  1
##   Light rail                    1  2          2  4
prop.table(table(californiatod$railtype, californiatod$region), 2) * 100 #percentage
##                          Bay Area    LA Sacramento    SD
##   Heavy or commuter rail     92.3  66.7        0.0  20.0
##   Light rail                  7.7  33.3      100.0  80.0

Now we will do something a bit more complicated. We will create a new two-way crosstab like you did above but now let’s include the mean of a continuous third variable. This sounds complex, but we shall approach it in a straightforward way using the dplyr package.

#the dplyr way
#we will first calculate our cross tabs and then the mean of transit usage

californiatod %>% 
  group_by(region, railtype) %>%
  summarise(n = n(), 
            AvgTransit = mean(transit))
## # A tibble: 7 x 4
## # Groups:   region [?]
##   region     railtype                   n AvgTransit
##   <chr>      <chr>                  <int>      <dbl>
## 1 Bay Area   Heavy or commuter rail    12      0.373
## 2 Bay Area   Light rail                 1      0.   
## 3 LA         Heavy or commuter rail     4      0.209
## 4 LA         Light rail                 2      0.159
## 5 Sacramento Light rail                 2      0.190
## 6 SD         Heavy or commuter rail     1      0.154
## 7 SD         Light rail                 4      0.102

The dplyr package is designed to perform table operations on dataframes for multiple kinds of data manipulation. The preceding syntax told R to take our californiatod dataframe, group by the variables for region and railtype, and the calculate the mean transit usage from there. This is similar to the kind of pivot table operations once can do in excel.

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