

3 homework assignments and the class project+paper will make up your entire grade in the course. I use these grading cutoffs:

  • A=90%
  • B=80%
  • C=70%
  • D=60%
  • F<60%


  1. If my office hours conflict with your schedule, send me a Google calendar invite for an appointment.
  2. Submit in your homework assignments to D2L/Assignments.
  3. Extensions on homework due dates will only be granted in exceptional circumstances and only if I am contacted before the due date.
  4. Academic dishonesty will result in a score of zero for the assignment in question.
  5. Please be aware of the University’s policies on withdrawals and incompletes:
  6. Good advice paraphrased from a former instructor of this course: Be active! The more you do in this course, the more you will learn. Apply the tools and concepts to your own/other data; see what you find; if it is interesting/confusing/etc., bring & show it to me! I can get you started, but good data analysts are driven by a curiosity they discover in themselves.

Students with disabilities

If you have a disability and need academic accommodations, please let me know early in the term so we can make arrangements to meet your learning needs.

Title IX reporting obligations

As an instructor, one of my responsibilities is to help create a safe learning environment for my students and for the campus as a whole. Please be aware that as a faculty member, I have the responsibility to report any instances of sexual harassment, sexual violence and/or other forms of prohibited discrimination. If you would rather share information about sexual harassment, sexual violence or discrimination to a confidential employee who does not have this reporting responsibility, you can find a list (http://www.pdx.edu/sexual-assault/get-help) of those individuals. For more information about Title IX please complete the required student module Creating a Safe Campus in your D2L.